We’re in MONTH TWO of Quarantunes! How YOU doin’? Here’s our line-up for the week! Wednesday – PIANO BINGO (Mega-Blackout!) 7pm EDT$100 cash for the winning card(s) in a knock-down, drag-out, BINGO brawl with all your favorite songs as the soundtrack!!! |
Friday – NAME THAT TUNE (One-Hit-Wonders Edition!) 7pm EDTA ticketed game (with a private link!) And $50 in CASH & prizes to the winner! |
Saturday – DUELING PIANOS SHOW 8pm EDTThe classic edition! And now, ticket holders can join us ONSCREEN in the BOOM-BOOM ZOOM ROOM! The way Dueling Pianos is meant to be – where the audience is the STAR OF THE SHOW! One big quaranparty for just $5.00. |