Hey everyone!
We all miss the local piano bars, so we’ve started doing some fun solo shows on a hot new Facebook page called Quarantine Karaoke – which now has over 700K members!
We have started doing virtual piano bar shows there, with a QUICKIES show – playing every request people can type in, as fast as we can. The most recent show had over 10,000 views, and over 400 songs in a HOUR!
We’ll be back tonight at 9pm EDT, and will try to do 3pm shows daily.
You can find them at http://facebook.com/groups/OfficialQuarantineKaraoke
And don’t forget OUR weekly shows – Wed. 7pm EDT PIANO BINGO and Sat. 8pm EDT DUELING PIANOS, with tickets avail at https://www.shakerattlerollpianos.com/tour-dates/
Bringing the piano bars home to you!